Since the birth of the Buffalo Wing in 1964, American foodie culture has taken that proverbial ball and ran all over creation with it. We can thank Anchor Bar for that, though the specific story as to how they came about is shrouded in a little mystery.
sour cream
Double Decker Torte – The Ultimate Christmas Cookie
Every holiday since I can remember, my Mom has made my Aunt’s Famous Double Decker Torte Christmas goodie. I don’t remember the first time we had it, but I remember going bonkers over it.
Titillating Tilapia Tacos
Up until this past week, I had never really tried tilapia. It was upon the urging of a friend that I try it – she described it as the chicken of the fish world. Who could resist? Not this gal! I love tacos too, so I thought this would be the perfect application!