This is the first installment of a series devoted to the hubs and I’s USA Road Trip! In honor of our TENTH anniversary, we couldn’t think of a better way to spend it – seeing a large part of America, and knocking some things off the bucket list. It is my hope that you find…
Not Your Normal Chocolate Shake
Get ready to be “Wowed,” because baby, I’ve got a treat for YOU! The first time I went to Kimberly Snyder’s shop Glow Bio, my husband got this “chocolate shake.” I had no idea what it was called, because I was all enamored at what I had ordered. Once I pulled myself out of whatever…
The Most Unique Sweet Potato Bake You’ll Ever Have
Have you ever had a conversation with one of your great friends that left you completely rejuvenated, and looking at life in a different light? That’s what happened to me a few weeks ago, when good friends came over to spend the weekend with us. It’s an amazing thing when foodies get together – you…
Time to Come Clean! Kimberly Snyder’s Three Day Glow Bio Cleanse
Cleanses! It’s all the rage at the beginning of every year, and oddly, I’ve never done one! This year I decided to satisfy my curiosity and see what all the hype was about.
Feed Your Brain, Rockstar!
Wheee! I’ts been a busy couple of weeks! I’ve been working hard to keep a tight schedule and work on some projects that have been on the back burner for quite some time. Who needs a new year to start anew? Not this gal! Some things I hope to share with you very very soon,…