We, as humans, are creatures of habit. We get used to certain things. As an example, the general human population believes that crusts should be comprised of butter and flour. Pastries and cheesecake should contain some kind of cheese. What if I told you that it’s possible to make a pastry with none of those…
Eggs Benedict – Caprese Style
Ohhhh Eggs Benedict, how many ways do we all love thee? Let me count the ways! When a foodie conversation starts, and eggs benedict is mentioned, it’s not long after you’ll hear, “Eggs Benedict is my FAVORITE!” As long as we’ve got beautiful poached eggs, and a tangy, creamy, buttery hollandaise, all is right with…
Cherry Pecan Pumpkin Coconut Granola
Have you ever made your own granola before? Making your own is so much easier than you may think, and you probably have everything in your pantry RIGHT NOW. Mind => BLOWN! Let’s get to it. (Don’t you just want to dive right into that sea of delicious oats, pecans, and cherries?!)
The Devil Wears Prada – A Foodie Interview
When I started out this food blog, my vision was clear: To marry food, beer, and heavy metal. One day my husband and I were throwing out possible names, and I blurted out “The Devil Wears Parsley.” For those not familiar, The Devil Wears Prada is not only a blockbuster movie based on a novel…
October Unprocessed 2014
I don’t know if I formally told y’all about October Unprocessed this year, but it’s in FULL EFFECT right now! Nothing processed for a whole month. If you can’t read an ingredient on the label, it’s not allowed. Andrew Wilder from Eating Rules started this awesome movement in 2010, and now, for 2014, over 20,000…