My favorite time of the year besides Halloween is definitely Hatch Chile season, and my friends, I’m here to let you know that it is upon us! A post shared by Natalie Wiser-Orozco (@dvlwearsparsley) on Jul 27, 2017 at 8:55am PDT Recently, I visited Melissa’s Produce, and they sent me home with some Hatch Chile…
heirloom tomato
Green Goddess Sandwich
We all know that green veggies are good for you, but sometimes that kale or broccoli may not sound all that appetizing, though it does make your body feel spectacular. I saw these Green Goddess Sandwiches on The Bojon Gourmet recently and I instantly lit up because they’re so beautiful, and so GREEN. It was…
Spicy Basil Thai Chicken (Gai Pad Gra Pow)
After I got married back in 2004, I landed a job as a Software Developer at Imagine Systems, Inc. It was a far cry from the restaurant work that I had become accustomed to. Little did I know that this job would change my foodie life one day.