Seven Pots of Tea by Nandita Godbole explores beverages that adhere to ayruvedic principles, in turn, improving our overall health not only with the plants medicinal qualities, but that are also tasty
A Matbuha Recipe From Faye Levy
Matbuha is a “cooked salad” that is a divine combination of roasted peppers, tomatoes, chiles, garlic and olive oil. Simplicity is Queen!
Cauliflower Fritters and Recipe Blocks
I’m not Vegan, but I like to play one on TV! Just kidding. I am mostly Vegetarian nowadays, but I always love to dabble with plant-based recipes, like these savory Cauliflower Fritters. Truth be told, sometimes I go through recipe blocks. I want to bring fresh and exciting recipes to you that are easy to…
Spicy Raspberry Double Decker Torte
I know Christmas seems so far away as of this moment in time, and Halloween is literally right around the corner, but I bring this recipe to you today to plant the seed for your Christmas baking! One can never be too prepared, and having everything organized before December will ensure that your holiday will…
Titillating Tilapia Tacos
Up until this past week, I had never really tried tilapia. It was upon the urging of a friend that I try it – she described it as the chicken of the fish world. Who could resist? Not this gal! I love tacos too, so I thought this would be the perfect application!