It is so hard to believe that it was TEN years ago, on May Day, that I tied the knot with my hubs. TEN! That pesky notion of time really has it’s way with us doesn’t it? You blink, and all of a sudden, there you are – 10 years later.
To commemorate this epic event, we decided to take a road trip. Black Sunshine – asphalt – happiness – get it? If not, it’s okay – It’s a White Zombie reference, you can check out the video below. Anyhow, we’re going all over the south, ending up as far east as New Orleans, then hitting the National Park Superstars – Yellowstone and Yosemite! I’ll keep you updated on what the must-see, must-do, and must-eat spots are, but in the mean time, this is what I found interesting this week. Have a great weekend!
- Darya Pino, founder of Summer Tomato, tells us why she’ll never tell us to eat heart-healthy foods. It really does make sense!
- Spiegelau teams up with Left Hand Brewing Company and Rogue Ales to develop the Ultimate Stout Vessel. Craft Beer Lovers, rejoice!
- If you’re stumped on how to get more vegetables & fruits into your diet every day, The Kitchn offers some advice.
- Are you a blogger? Here are 25+ Must-Have WordPress Plugins for 2014!
- Shauna Haider gives great advice on Playing it safe vs. Risking it all. The whole article is a great read, but this one was my favorite: “Never risk so much that you’re gambling away your entire livelihood.” Gold! There’s so much more where that came from too.
- Gala Darling gives advice on how bloggers can kick the ass of the dreaded blogger’s block!
Here’s that Zombie video I promised!!
Congrats! I could say I can’t wait until my 10 year anniversary but then that would mean time is flying by. I look forward to your blog posts on your trip.