I listen to Sirius XM Liquid Metal every chance I get, and lately Jose Mangin has been talking up Crobot something fierce. Because their name sounds so much like Probot, the super group whose members include the one and only Dave Grohl, there has been cause for much confusion. They couldn’t be more different, though, and equally great in their own ways.

Because of all this hype, when I saw Crobot was playing with Motorhead, I instantly snatched up tickets. Besides the bands, Riverside Municipal Auditorium is THE. SHIT. There just isn’t any other way to say it. The building is old, built to withstand the craziest of crowds, and was recently renovated back in 2012. Did you know that it’s recognized as a National Historic Structure? Pretty cool!
If you’re ever in Riverside, and going to a show at “The Muni”, pre-game dinner and drinks are a must. The Salted Pig is fantastic if you’re looking for a supreme gastropub experience (and only my favorite restaurant in the CITY), and D-Dogs is affordable, good craft beer selection, AND is within walking distance of the venue. After 6pm, parking is free in their parking lot, AND they have happy hour until 7pm during the week – so try to get there at least a little early. BONUS! This beautiful owl mural is painted on the side of the D-Dogs building. So when you see it, you know you’re in the right place!
It’s awesome to see the Riverside Pride alive and well in the city. This biker was so cool – we shared not only our love of Riverside, but also our love of Amon Amarth. Beanie siblings represent! What initially caught my eye with this guy was his ultimate Danzig helmet. Cool to the max.
This is the Riverside Pride I was talking about right here. This is our symbol – the Raincross. He had found the Raincross at an antique shop, and had his buddy weld it on the back of the bike. He found the bell to go on it too, and it’s fully functional! Metal fans are the coolest ever.
Okay, so onto the good stuff. Crobot was the first band to play, and they did not disappoint. The lead vocalist, Brandon (lead vocals) has a charisma on stage that is infectious!
There’s something about the set list that is so mythical as a fan. This one is quite formal. I’m actually more fond of the hand-written types. They’re more alluring, and if you end up with one at the end of the night, you’re totally #winning.
The show begins, and everything erupts! Crobot really had a good draw for a show where Motorhead (a legend) is headlining. People were lined up at the barrier right from the very beginning, which is a very good sign. Normally, with openers, you’ll see the crowd very sparse. Not so with Crobot – at least from my point of view. There was an electricity in the air that grew as the set continued. All of these bandmates are so full of energy and show valiant showmanship. It’s as with anything else in life – if you’re having fun, everyone around you is going to have fun too. You could tell they were having fun, and it was infectious in Riverside that night!
When you’re a photographer at a show, all your focus goes into getting “the shot(s)”. You’re not going to get any good shots while you’re rocking out in front of the stage, as appealing as that may be. Having said that, during all of this photography business, I wasn’t really listening to what was going on. Typically after 3 songs, the photographers get kicked out of the barrier area, so that the security can do their jobs. Tonight was no different.
Once I was able to enjoy the show, it was booty shaking for days. Every single song you could dance to, and the energy kept increasing as time went on. Crobot defines themselves as Dirty. Groove. Rock., and I’d have to say I concur. The lead vocalist, Brandon, even brought out a harmonica during a few of their songs! It gives such a unique sound, really, and it’s good to see that these days. Most bands stick to bass, guitar, and drums, and it’s refreshing to see someone switch it up! They fit in with Motorhead perfectly. One fan I spoke with described them as transcending time in the sense that if you saw them play, and didn’t know who they were, you wouldn’t think they were a band that started in 2011. They’re very “rock -n- roll” and groovy, and good vibes all around!
After the set, I couldn’t help but buy their CD. I’ve been listening to it all day, and I really dig it! I’m one of those types where I’ll listen to an album day after day, after day, after day until I get so burnt out on it that I can’t stand it anymore. To have new good music is a breath of fresh air, and I can’t wait to dig my heels in deep with this one. You should too. They’ve been compared to Wolfmother, Queens of the Stone Age, Rage Against the Machine and Soundgarden. In my opinion, they sound the most like Soundgarden, others say Wolfmother. Either way, they are pretty fantastic!
They also have their own hot sauce. Who does that?! Totally relevant to this site in particular, most definitely. I’m totally picking these up! I love it when bands get excited about food!
Groovy Metal Lovin’,
Sic pics, as usual! Good times bruh
Rad show.