Drink this Sick Elixir if you’re feeling sick, or simply want a beautifying tea in the morning!
Jump to RecipeThis is one of those recipes that I’ve had in my arsenal for quite some time, but it never quite makes it to the pages of The Devil Wears Parsley. It is a concoction that I’ve made up, but it seems that many people have their own variation. This one is mine!
I love fresh, just because as close to the natural source is best in my opinion. Sure, it can be messy and you can dye your fingers a beautiful yellow/orange hue, but nothing beats it! Of course, you could keep some Ginger Turmeric Herbal Tea on hand from your favorite spice merchant, but if you have access to fresh, give this a shot. Your body will thank you!
Turmeric is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties for sure; it seems those words are always said in the same sentence. Curcumin is the antioxidant flavanoid that is responsible for this. Besides that one hot fact, it is also a powerful blood cleanser, helps increase circulation, and aids in tissue healing. Even if you’re not feeling under the weather, turmeric will definitely help prevent acne because of the blood cleaning, and generally beautifies the skin.
Ginger is a superfood in every sense of the word. Not only does it also help inflammation as it’s turmeric cousin, it also helps with countless other ailments. According to Healthline.com it aids in easing nausea, it helps with menstrual cramps, muscle pain & soreness, and can even help prevent Alzheimers and improve brain function. A big whammy is that it is also believed to fight infection and prevent cancer.
Great for the skin, this amazing citrus is also a powerhouse! It’s high in Vitamin C, and though it is an acidic fruit, upon digestion it actually creates alkalinity in the body. This is a good thing, because our bodies are happiest when they are alkaline. If we eat foods that create an acidic body, our body will respond by pulling calcium from were it can. Calcium compounds help alkalize, and our major calcium store is our bones! We don’t want to take calcium away from our bones.
Kimberly Snyder recommends consuming the juice of 2 lemons per day. Whether it be in your water, or this gorgeous tea! It is also a blood cleanser like turmeric, and helps flush bacteria and toxins from the body. Besides this tea, put fresh lemon juice in your water as you drink throughout the day. Your body (especially your bones) will thank you!
I tend to severely limit my honey consumption. I get it only if it’s from a trusted and local source, and even then, I just don’t consume that much of it in general. It seems we always inherently know that things are good for us, but we don’t always delve into the why. When it comes to home remedies, honey has great antiseptic and antibacterial properties due to it’s enzymatic creation of hydrogen peroxide. It is also rich with anti-oxidants which we all know helps remove free radicals from our bodies fighting heart attacks & strokes, lowering blood pressure & bad cholesterol levels, and helps prevent cancer. It promotes burn and wound healing, and can also help suppress coughs in children.
I hope you enjoy this humble home remedy – the Devil’s Sick Elixir. It’s simple, you can make one glass or one gallon, and have it on hand for when you need a boost, or just to improve your overall health.
Sick Elixir
- 5 Cups Water
- 1/2 Cup Fresh Ginger sliced
- 1/3 Cup Fresh Turmeric sliced
- Honey to taste
- Lemon Juice to taste
- Heat the water in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the fresh ginger & turmeric, bring to a gentle boil, then turn off, and place a lid on top. Let steep for 5 minutes, then strain. Serve hot! Add lemon juice and honey to taste – I normally squeeze a quarter of a lemon in my glass, and about 1 teaspoon of honey, and then pour the hot tea over everything. Repeat for each glass served.
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