A long, long, long, long time ago… before the beginning of time, there was this group. This group called Outkast. There were two of ’em…. And so begins the story of “The Hubbs” and I. Two kids, being kids, fell in love more than 17 years ago. Got engaged more than 15 years ago, and…
The Devil Wears Parsley Gets A Facelift
Isn’t it funny how some things just slip away from you as if rope becomes slippery seaweed? Oh, life is such a joker. The things that are so important never get done because you can’t seem to find the time to do “the thing” justice. This is a case of over-booking myself, and simply not…
3rd Annual Hot Sauce Expo
The 3rd Annual Hot Sauce Expo went down a couple weekends ago at the National Grove of Anaheim, and as past years have proven, this is the party you need to BE AT! Every year that I’ve gone, I grow more and more fond of the event. They seem to work out the kinks, scrap…
Carrot Top Pesto Fettuccine
Ooooo whee, friends, I have some juicy news bits for you! But first, we’re going to talk about the under never used carrot top! Have you ever bought carrots from either the grocery store or farmer’s market, and not known what to do with the carrot tops? They may have even offered to chop the…
The Devil Wears Prada – A Foodie Interview
When I started out this food blog, my vision was clear: To marry food, beer, and heavy metal. One day my husband and I were throwing out possible names, and I blurted out “The Devil Wears Parsley.” For those not familiar, The Devil Wears Prada is not only a blockbuster movie based on a novel…