This week’s recipe is all about taking control, choosing what you want, and infusing it in every facet of your life, particularly with your meals, and this Coconut Mint ice cream!
You might want to communicate more clearly and easily with people, or are at a crossroads and need some clarity to help you choose which fork in your path to choose.

We can take classes, or read a book, or consult our friends and family to help ourselves improve or figure out those things, but why not also pay attention to foods that will help us on a spiritual level? Now I know it sounds a little woowoo, but ponder this. It is a known fact that plants have physical healing properties. Think turmeric – it has the powerful property to reduce inflammation in the body when ingested. In the same way plants have physical properties, they also have spiritual/magical properties as well.

I recently came up with this wild idea to create recipes that infused our personal journeys or improvements into a facet of our lives that wasn’t in the form of direct study, but instead, at the dinner table. Why not make recipes with the certain plants that may help enhance our journey even further? This is my first offering: Coconut Mint Ice Cream!

Coconut water is said to soothe the throat chakra, which governs our expression and communication. Who knew that helping ourselves out like this could be so delicious? For the base of the ice cream, I use coconut milk and coconut cream, making it rich and luscious. It’s definitely soothing to enjoy in ice-cream form!

Mint & Walnut
The magical associations of mint are prosperity, success, and clarity of mind, so this combination was inevitable. Mint is a wonderful herb that you can easily grow indoors or out. It can be a bit invasive, spreading about, but keep it in pots, and you’ll be fine. You’ll especially love it when you make this ice cream!
Walnuts have long been heralded as nuts that aid the brain. That point really sticks home when professionals make the observation that the walnut itself looks like a brain! Magically, the walnut aids in mental abilities.
Your Sweet Coconut Mint Spell
My gift to you is this lovely recipe that doubles as a spell. As you make it, set your intention in as much detail as you can. Do you need help preparing a speech? Are you attending a conference, and the thought of making small talk with strangers terrifies you? Do you need some clarity on the direction you want to take your life?
As you infuse the mint, boil the mixture, and transfer it to the ice cream maker, then the freezer, think about exactly what you want as it relates to communication and/or mental clarity.
When you’re ready for your treat (or your treat is ready for you), before you take your first bite, re-affirm your intentions again. Then, pay attention to all of the different flavors and textures in the ice cream, savoring every last bite.
Clearly Yours,
If you like the idea of infusing your magical lives with foodie spells like this, please let me know by using the contact page, or replying to your newsletter! I’m jazzed about it, and I hope you are too!
Coconut Mint Ice Cream
- 15 Fluid Ounces Coconut Milk
- 15 Fluid Ounces Coconut Cream
- 1/2 Cup Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Fresh Mint
- 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Arrowroot Starch
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
- 4 Ounces Dark Chocolate Chips
- 2 Teaspoons Grapeseed Oil or other neutral oil
- In a saucepan over medium heat, add all but 1/4 cup of the coconut milk, coconut cream, and mint. Stir frequently to prevent scorching. Once the cream bubbles around the edges, turn the heat off, and let the mint steep for 1-2 hours.
- After steeping, strain the mint out of the mixture, and add in the sugar, salt, and vanilla. Add the arrowroot starch to the reserved coconut milk, and mix until there are no lumps. Add to the pot.
- Bring the saucepan up to a gentle boil, stirring consistently, until the mixture thickens, about 5-7 minutes.
- Transfer to a shallow casserole pan, and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Then, place a sheet of plastic wrap in direct contact with the surface of the ice cream base. This will prevent it from developing a skin. Place in the refrigerate, and allow to completely chill, 3-4 hours.
- Remove the base from the refrigerator, and add to your ice cream machine. Turn the machine on, and churn for 15 minutes.
- While the ice cream begins to churn, add the chocolate chips and oil to a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave on high for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave, and mix. If chunks of chocolate still remain, microwave for an additional 15 seconds.
- When the ice cream has churned for 15 minutes, it's time to add the melted chocolate. Adding the chocolate in it's melted form while the ice cream continues to churn, makes for perfect shards of chocolate in your ice cream. In 4 batches, slowly pour in the melted chocolate, allowing time after each addition, for it to make it's way all around.
- Once all the chocolate has been evenly distributed, move to a freezer-safe container with a lid, and freeze for 3-4 hours.
- To serve, top with toasted coconut, a sprig of mint, and chopped walnuts.
Sounds delightful! I love how you infused the mint into the coconut.